Solar Panels

One of the best investments you can make for your home right now is adding Solar panels to your property. Whether it’s adding panels to your roof, as a shade cover for a pavilion, or just as a small stand alone adition to your back yard, its never been a better time to invest in solar. The average price of solar panels has droped over 65% in Missouri in the last 10 years. While it can be a big cost up front at first to install, there have been many types of aid passed in the last couple years to make the cost more afordable. 

The Missouri Department of Energy provides many types of loans to both residential and comercial investments in solar. Along with their Energy buy back program, which buys and stores any excess energy from you house, most investors can expect to not only pay off their investment but to start seeing huge saving on their energy bill in an average of only 10 years. Most houses can expect a reduction of their energy bill anywhere from 70 to 100% anually.

While 10 years ago it was true that coal and gass power was simpily a more cheaper alternative production of energy that is no longer the case. In the last 10 years Solar has dropped so much in terms of cost and increased in efficency to the point that Solar is now by far the cheapest and cleanest form of Energy production in the US. Coal and gas remain the top forms of energy production purly out of the fact that the power plants are already built, but if the average home or buisness owner were to invest we could quickly see a dramatic drop in our carbon footprints. 

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